Sunday, February 17, 2008

Diary of an Autistic Escape Artist

My Escape Attempts & Successes

My first major escape took place while we were camping. I was 2 years-old. I woke up early in the morning, unzipped the tent and took off. I was so quiet no one knew I was gone until they woke up. A nice lady found me laying down playing with the lines in the middle of the road. I was lucky I wasn't run over. (By the way, the tent has never been put up since that day).

Another time when I was two I popped the screen out of my window and escaped at 10:00 in the evening. My parents saw me looking in at them from the outside and brought me back in the house.

I've escaped out the front door surrounded by adults. No one saw me.

I've escaped out the back gate that my brother and sister forgot to close all the way.

I've escaped out of my aunt's house when they thought I was watching a movie.

I've escaped at a hotel in Washington D.C.. I figured out the elevator and they found me in the ballroom on the first floor of the hotel.

I've even escaped through insulation in the new bathroom my parents were building.

These are just a few of the times I've succeeded. My parents, with a grant, got me a tracking device so that Search and Rescue can find me when I escape. I've given them the opportunity to call Search and Resuce, but a nice lady found me before they were able to get there. So if you see a naked kid running around through Stanwood, and he doesn't talk to you, it's probably me.

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